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We realized at once

That the bodies were dead. It was an elderly man and an elderly woman—husband and wife if the rings on their hands were any indication. The man slept in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top; the woman was in a cotton nightgown. They were laying face to face youtube views, their noses almost touching. The man’s arm was at his wife’s waist.

On the bedside table, two bottles of pills had been opened. Only a few pills remained. A glass sat beside the bottles, holding just a bit of water. Kendra started crying and left the room quickly. The scene almost brought me to tears, too. I suddenly felt miserable for having walked in on their final resting place youtube views. I said a quick prayer for them as I backed out of the room, shutting the door softly behind me.

We waited until the following morning to set out again. Even the baby seemed well rested when we left the hotel. He was speaking to us in his gibberish and although it made me nervous that we might be attracting attention if anyone was nearby youtube views, I found it hard to shush him. We put one of the pacifiers in his mouth on a few occasions, but he promptly spit it out. 

We checked the streets of Rudduck for a car. We found one easily a red Saturn that had been parked on the street just two blocks away from the hotel. Its gas gauge was sitting just below a quarter of a tank. I drove to a gas station to check the pumps, hoping for a miracle youtube views. I was not too disappointed when the pumps were non-responsive. 

Hell…we’d gotten a bed and a car. I guess gasoline on top of all of that was just too much to hope for. We decided that we would head back just a bit, into the outskirts of Greensboro to see if it had been as miraculously untouched as Rudduck. I got back on the interstate and took the first Greensboro exit. Within two miles, we could tell that we were going to be out of luck in this regard youtube views, too. 

Cars were scattered in the roads as we reached the outskirts of the city. We saw the shapes of countless bodies on the sides of the road and buildings burned to the ground. Let’s just forget it, Kendra said. Let’s just go.