

I Stared Straight

No more stops unless we have to. I did as she asked, turning back around and looking for the exit back out onto the interstate. Hearing her state such a command made me think about how close we actually were to pulling this off youtube views. Fretting over it at the Dunn’s kitchen table seemed like ages ago. youtube views  we drove for forty minutes.

I kept the Saturn pegged at seventy. I had to slow down on two occasions to get around car accidents. One of them had been particularly bad, having involved at least nine cars. As we passed, I could see the shapes of the drivers and passengers. It was like looking at an exhibit at some ghastly wax museum  youtube views. I was looking back into the rear view at the crumpled and tangled shape of the large accident when Kendra screamed. Oh shit, Eric! I turned my head around and saw it instantly. 

I hit the brakes as my heart leaped up into my throat. In front of us, the sky and ground had darkened considerably. We had not seen it one hundred yards back but there it was now, right in front of us. A nest  youtube views. Was it there the whole time? I asked. I guess so. The darkness of it must just be gradual… Or this is part of how they work, I suggested. They appear out of nowhere to lure people in. It was far too easy to recall the tentacles coming out of the one outside of Athens, so I wasted no time in shifting the car into reverse. When we were a good distance away from it (almost all the way back to the nine-car collision), I stopped the car. What are you doing? Kendra asked. One second. I opened the door and stepped out.

I stared straight ahead at the nest, trying to peer in through its pitch black shifting boundaries, but saw nothing. Not a damned thing. But there was that noise again, like distant thunder coming from it. It could have been my imagination  youtube views, but I thought I could feel it reverberating in the road and through my feet. The scariest thing of all was that I felt myself wanting to go into it. I wanted to step inside and see what was in there. I thought of the video we had seen, with Mike still alive and moving around. If death wasn't a certainty when walking into a nest, why not explore it? After everything we had been through  youtube views, maybe Vance had been on to something.